Investment in stock and commodity market are subject to market risk. Please carefully read all terms and conditions. Don't trade on Free calls. Completely telephonic support with revised target & Stop loss. Our Firm is not SEBI registered.

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Stock Option

The Option call & put also called a derivative strategy is the best safest strategy for highly volatile market. This service especially designed for those traders whose are trading in option market. In this service we provide our clients 3-4 intraday calls in Stock option daily with high accuracy.

Service Features:

1. In this pack we will provide you 3-5 calls in a day.

2. Each call consist 2 targets and 1 Stop loss.

3. Maximum 2 open positions at a time.

4. Proper follow-ups and Market News Updates.

5. We provide our Clients very good accuracy in this service

6. Domestic and Global Market position Overview

7. Daily free newsletter will be provided

Medium of Calls

Calls will be given only on SMS & Instant Messenger.

Sample Call

BUY SBI 200 CE BTWN 9.50-10 TGT 13, 15 SL 8 (lot size 3000).