Investment in stock and commodity market are subject to market risk. Please carefully read all terms and conditions. Don't trade on Free calls. Completely telephonic support with revised target & Stop loss. Our Firm is not SEBI registered.

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Privacy Policy

Details about our privacy policy

Financial Market Expert is fully committed to safeguard your personal information. We must obtain some basic personal information like Full Name, address, telephone numbers, Email address etc. from you to provide you with the Financial Market Expert services. This information is helpful to both Financial Market Expert firm and you to fetch services easily and to connect in time.

From time to time, we may request your valuable feedback for the evaluation of the services that Money Maker Financial Market Expert provides and changes if you prefer any. We might invite you to actively participate in polls or surveys that may be posted on our website or mailed to you directly. Participation in survey or polls is completely voluntary.

As there is a great risk of giving your personal information and we understand your concern, so, our way of maintaining the information is such that we assure you of the points:

  • We only use your personal information to provide you the service at your account, to take your feedbacks, to take suggestions regarding any improvement material, and to update you about additional products or servicesthat may be of interest to you.
  • We do not leak your personal information to third parties who does spamming. We however, may share selected information under certain conditions as part of normal business operations under confidentiality agreements.
  • All information regarding Payment Gateway will be safe and secured for our site.

Note:All information regarding Payment Gateway will be safe and secured for our site.